Intelligent interview technology for hiring teams

April 21, 2022 Updated: September 28, 2023 5 min read

Job seekers are demanding more from their employers, including a better candidate interview experience

The “Great Resignation” is by no means just a trendy term to describe the mass voluntary quitting of jobs, it’s a real issue that saw 4.5 million people leave their place of work in November 2021 alone. Quit rates, normally in the 1.7% to 2.4% range, skyrocketed to an all-time high of 3.4% across the private sector. 

Why are they leaving? The top reasons employees walked out have to do with how respected they feel by their employers: 19% left due to how they were treated during the pandemic, 17% left due to low pay or lack of benefits, and 13% left due to lack of work-life balance. Simply put: today’s job seekers want more. 

Employers looking to reel in the best talent will need to shift their mindset from “Why should we hire you?” to “Here’s why you should choose our company.” In particular, there needs to be a transformational change in the way screening and interviewing are conducted to avoid what has been traditionally an employer-centric system—enabling employers to showcase their willingness to create a fair and equitable workplace with intelligent interview technology.

How intelligent interview technology helps hiring teams deliver a positive candidate experience

Keep It Simple—and Fast

One of the first ways to set your scope on giving a candidate the best experience is by showing them you value their time during screening and interviewing. 67% of candidates have experienced a total recruiting process that took longer than a month—and they aren’t waiting around.

60% of job seekers will quit in the middle of an application because of the length or complexity of the application process.

Hiring technologies can help your team keep candidates engaged by ensuring that the process is straightforward for them and integrates with familiar, third-party video conferencing software that candidates already know how to use, like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Your software also needs capabilities to help your hiring team reach decisions faster on the backend, such as with structured internal collaboration tools for agile decision-making processes.

Demonstrate a commitment to transparency, fairness, and equity

It’s important for candidates to meet different teams throughout the stages of the interview process, but there’s often a disconnect in terms of the questions asked between interviewing teams and even between candidates. When candidates aren’t asked the same interview questions as their peers, not only does it make it difficult for the interviewing teams to compare candidates, but it inherently fosters a negative candidate experience by demonstrating a lack of transparency, fairness, and equity.  

58% of job seekers declined a job offer due to poor candidate experience, with the top reason being a negative experience during the interviews.

All candidates need to be asked the same questions, and those questions need to add up to something that employers can best use to evaluate candidates in a fair and equitable way. An intelligent interview solution helps your hiring team keep interviews organized and structured with AI-generated questions that are asked of each candidate and paint an accurate, overall picture of their fit for the organization and role. A good platform will then seamlessly share these responses between different interview panels to ensure all hiring team members and recruiters can make informed decisions by having access to the same information.

Preserve Balance With Two-Way Communication

In a traditional interview, candidates are bombarded with questions designed to have them prove their value to their employer. They’re often not given ample opportunities to ask their own questions, and this can call into question the power structure that will be maintained after hiring: particularly when it comes to whether they’ll have sufficient work-life balance.

53% of candidates will be dissuaded from a job opportunity if there’s any evidence that the organization cannot provide adequate balance.

Interviewers need to demonstrate their company’s shared values with candidates by offering two-way communication during the interviews. It’s as much about the company finding the right candidate as it is the candidate finding the right company: open communication where candidates are encouraged to ask their own questions gives both employers and job seekers a fair shot at making the best decision for them. The right video interviewing technology will enable your hiring team to review recordings of interviews they’ve conducted, so they can better prepare for future interviews and show candidates that you offer a balanced workplace.

Show your candidates respect from the start with the right interview intelligence platform

First impressions matter. A positive candidate experience during the interviews is an opportunity to show the best candidates why they should want to join your team.

Technology that streamlines the interview process for faster hiring decisions shows candidates that you respect their time. Highly structured interview questions help your teams get organized and collaborate to conduct interviews that promote transparency, fairness, and equity. Recording tools that enable your team to learn from their previous interviews can be used to fine-tune interview strategies to ensure your team is putting their best foot forward.

The right AI-powered interview intelligence platform will offer all these features and more to help you show your candidates upfront how much you will value them as employees—setting your organization up to attract the top talent.

Learn more about how traditional candidate experiences and employer-centric systems are negatively impacting organizations and how Clovers can give your business a competitive advantage in the recruiting space by downloading our eBook today.


Doug Leonard

Doug is constantly working to make the hiring process more objective, insightful, and informed. As a trusted leader in the recruitment industry, Doug is always ready to guide candidates and companies to (and through) a person-first hiring experience.

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