Diverse woman smilling

Commit to equity and reducing bias

Delivering an equitable interview experience to all candidates is a must in today’s hiring environment. Candidates treated unfairly or unjustly will share that experience with other candidates or socially cause your organization to miss out on great talent applying for your roles.

Deliver an equitable interview experience for all candidates

Clovers Interview Coach

Consistent question sets by role

Clovers interview guides offer thousands of questions by role for interview teams to use during the interview process. All questions are I/O certified for effectiveness and enable teams interviewing multiple candidates for the same role to have a consistent and fair interview experience.
Recorded interviews

Fair/consistent questions by role

Recorded interviews can hold teams accountable for asking the same approved questions of each candidate to ensure an equitable experience and process.
Recorded interviews conversations

Uncover bias in interviews

Eliminate recency bias to replay, not recall conversations to find the best hire. Review interviews and feedback to see where team members are misaligned on candidate answers.

Interview Intelligence Framework

Interview intelligence is here to help organizations evolve talent acquisition to create an inclusive, efficient, and outcomes focused hiring strategy. Because great interviews today create dream teams tomorrow.

Read more about it

“We are excited to partner with Clovers to help us provide
structure to both experienced and newer interviewers,
enabling all employees to craft best-in-class interviews.

Brittany Blalark, Human Resources Generalist @ Dental Intelligence

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