Hire 30% faster with video interview intelligence
Clovers can increase your hiring velocity by recording, transcribing, and analyzing interview conversations so you can easily collaborate and hire the right talent — faster.
Clovers can increase your hiring velocity by recording, transcribing, and analyzing interview conversations so you can easily collaborate and hire the right talent — faster.
Enable your hiring team to connect with candidates more effectively with certified interview questions. Free up interviewers to focus on candidates, not on taking notes, while delivering a great candidate experience.
Clovers records and analyzes the video interviews delivering recruiters and hiring teams one shared candidate view to review insights, see clearly what is and isn’t a fit, and collaborate on feedback and ratings.
Understand and improve your hiring team’s interview skills and provide customized coaching to create rockstar interviewers, making the interview process more efficient and effective.
Ashley Miller, Recruiter
Ashley Miller, Recruiter
Tammy Hahn, Hiring Manager