Difference between resume parsing and redaction

April 27, 2023 Updated: September 28, 2023 4 min read

What’s the Difference Between Resume Parsing and Redaction?

What is Resume Parsing?

Parsing uses technology to analyze and extract key information to be sorted and stored in an analogous way. With resume parsing, each resume is analyzed. The desired data is extracted and added to a database where identical information is collected for each candidate.

Companies use parsing technology to streamline their processes. This is particularly beneficial for those with high hiring volumes and large quantities of applicants. Parsing is used to pull baseline information from each resume automatically, saving time on screening. Some parsing technology may use AI to add context to the data extracted, allowing recruiters to filter for specific baseline requirements.

What is Resume Redaction?

Redaction involves hiding or removing confidential or sensitive information. Manual redaction can be done by simply blocking out or obscuring specific details of a text or document. Redaction technology reliably works the same way by automatically and intentionally hiding sensitive information. With resume redaction, candidate resumes are analyzed and processed with technology that redacts specific details.

Companies use resume redaction technology to conduct a more fair and balanced screening process. Aware that a candidate’s name or school they attended can cause the reviewer to feel either comfort or discomfort (bias) toward the candidate, companies take measures to prevent these biased snap decisions. Redaction helps reviewers focus on skills and experience, reviewing and scoring candidates more objectively.

3 Drawbacks of Resume Parsing

Though parsing is time-saving and efficient, relying exclusively on this technology has some drawbacks. 

1. You lose some of the candidate’s personality.

How a candidate chooses to arrange their resume and organize their thoughts tells you a lot about their personality and how they think. Parsing skips this valuable step. Don’t miss out on the story that the resume tells.

Just like reading a book, there’s a big difference between sifting through a bunch of quotes extracted from a book and reading the book as a whole. You miss out on the story in the former and are left with a dry, factual, and impersonal view of the content. Reading the book in its entirety offers a more complete, compelling, and personal understanding of the story. Reviewing parsed resumes strips the individuality from each candidate. Get the full story with redacted resumes review.

2. You risk introducing additional bias with AI.

Anytime AI enters into the mix, even with the goal of mitigating unconscious bias, we need to be aware of the potential for bias baked into the technology. Because humans program AI, the result will inevitably bear the mark of the humans who created it. That’s not to say it can’t serve to mitigate certain biases and result in a more inclusive outcome. But just because technology addresses bias in some areas doesn’t mean it’s not perpetuating bias in others.

G2 names a few of the potential risks that come with parsing, including:

  • Differences in language
  • Potential to overlook a candidate
  • Possible keyword stuffing

Not all resumes are the same. Slight differences in language used, missing details, formatting differences, or even specific keywords prioritized by the algorithm over others can cause you to skip over perfectly qualified candidates. With sameness being the function of parsing, diverse talent or talent from unconventional backgrounds do not get the same consideration or opportunity.

Contrary to subliminally introducing additional biases in the review process, resume redaction augments our decision-making by helping us narrow in on the details that matter and reduce opportunities for bias by obscuring details that might distract us. Redaction works alongside our brains.

3. No assurance of an objective review.

Just because the information is parsed identically from resume to resume doesn’t necessarily mean checks are in place for an impartial review of that parsed information. With or without specific fields visible, how reviewers screen resumes matters.

TalVista provides the tools for an equitable review. While viewing each redacted resume, reviewers give a score based on key job qualifications. Scores are weighted according to the order of pre-determined importance. That way, you make conscious and relevant in-the-moment decisions.

Why we believe in redaction

Clovers provides technology to make recruiting and hiring processes inclusive for all groups. We believe resume redaction and review give every candidate a fair chance. Redaction eliminates superfluous details that spark opportunities for bias in hiring. Keeping reviewers focused on the core requirements of the job broadens and diversifies the talent pipeline. Request a demo to learn more.

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