6 Ways to overcome busywork and support your hiring team

June 17, 2024 Updated: June 18, 2024 4 min read

Recruiters are more than one-size-fits-all solutions. They’re not cogs in the machine or nameless numbers. Each person on the talent acquisition team has specialized skills and the power to impact their organizations. Unfortunately, they aren’t always treated like the talent strategists they are. They aren’t given the opportunities or support needed to achieve their potential.

Talent acquisition teams are spread thin

Mercer’s 2024 Global Talent Trends Report showed that the number one block to recruiting success is “too much busy work.” This was followed closely by “not enough thinking time.” Clearly, under-resourced recruiters are struggling through an inefficient and ineffective hiring process. The result is less great talent to choose from, flawed decision-making, and reduced employee retention. It’s no wonder recruiters and hiring managers are always at odds. 

All is not lost, though. Supplementing the hiring process with technology will help recruiters reach their potential. Keep reading to learn how.

How to increase recruiter impact throughout the hiring process

Engaging the right tools – at the right time – will decrease the hiring team’s burden and maximize their impact. Each phase of the hiring process can improve with the help of technology.

1. Reduce repetitive tasks

Recruiters spend valuable time and energy on menial tasks instead of working at their highest potential. They have the talent to foster relationships, share your employer brand, or focus on strategic tasks, but they’re bogged down by busy work. 

To simplify workflow and optimize efficiency, enable helpful recruiting automation. Give candidates access to chatbots to answer simple questions, enable automated meeting requests and reminders, and use automated scheduling software to avoid back-and-forth. Free up recruiters so they can pay attention to what matters most.

Clock and calendar

2. Refine job descriptions

Poorly written job descriptions attract unqualified applicants and discourage top talent. Finding best-fit candidates becomes even more challenging for already burdened recruiters. Help them fill in the gaps with software designed to optimize job descriptions.

Specialized software can ensure each job description includes relevant skills and competencies. They can also review the content for language that attracts or repels applicants. In the absence of software, confirm essentials are included with the help of a checklist.

3. Streamline resume review

Manual resume review takes time and effort, especially when many job seekers respond. It becomes difficult to focus on the most promising candidates. AI-enabled recruiting tools can help teams make more objective decisions faster.

Cut through the overload and identify qualified resumes with automated keyword detection. Program job requirements into recruiting tools to surface leading applications easily. To focus on qualified candidates without distractions, automate resume redaction too.

4. Avoid tedious screening calls

Each early interview conversation extends the hiring process. It requires effort that recruiters don’t always have to spare. Engage technology that gives them time back to focus on priorities. Free them up to build authentic relationships with leading applicants.

One-way interviews move the hiring process along for candidates and talent acquisition professionals. Teams can use software to generate relevant questions and offer them to each applicant for a consistent experience. Applicants who meet initial requirements can then respond to questions at their convenience. AI-generated summaries of responses will give recruiters the insight needed to make informed decisions.

Red telephone

5. Deliver more effective interviews

Without the time to prepare for interviews, hiring teams conduct unreliable evaluations. This can lead to compliance issues and unfair interview practices. It can also result in flawed hiring decisions. The wrong hire impacts company productivity, retention, and morale.

For better conversations, automate question creation based on skills requirements. During video interviews, increase focus on the candidate by enabling AI-powered transcriptions. Transcripts and recordings also make it easy to identify opportunities for interviewer improvement.

6. Prevent stalled decision-making

Busy teams feel pressured to rush through conversations. Collaboration suffers and information is overlooked. The wrong candidate might be hired or placed in the wrong role for their skillset.

With recorded interviews, all stakeholders have access to the same information. Teams are able to share video clips or transcripts. No one misses out on essential information, and collaboration is easier than ever. With the addition of AI, summarize key moments, takeaways, and sentiments. Some software can even make initial recommendations for the team to consider.

Network of people with arrows pointing to each other

Optimize for efficiency with intelligent interview tools

Today’s talent acquisition leaders are spread so thin that instead of working at a high level, they’re trying to just get by. Give them the support they need – time, energy, and sanity back – with the strategic use of AI and recruiting technology. Help recruiters focus on what matters most, and find your way to more efficient and effective hiring.

If your organization is striving to empower its hiring team, turn to Clovers. Clovers is uniquely positioned to support talent acquisition at many points of the hiring process. From writing job descriptions to interview insights, our team is here to help. Connect with us to learn how our intelligent interview solutions can increase your recruiter’s impact today!

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