Scot Sessions

Recruiters are more than one-size-fits-all solutions. They’re not cogs in the machine or nameless numbers. Each person on the talent...
Finding new and creative ways to connect with job seekers can be difficult, especially if you’re working to increase the...
Just a brief look at the Tech headlines paints an AI-dominated picture. Google is launching new AI features left and...
So much of the candidate experience comes down to building relationships—between a job seeker and your hiring team, your current...
The right interview questions get you closer to the right candidate. The wrong questions lead to poor candidate experiences, biased...
In an interview with Forbes last September, Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, shared his perspective on AI: “We’ve been working...
Inclusion efforts have been taking a hit lately. News of declining job opportunities, tightened budgets, and shifting sentiment is on...
Research shows that about 20% of the human population is neurodivergent. That isn’t a small number—you probably know several people...
You know the basics of writing job descriptions—choose a job title, then outline job requirements, role responsibilities, and important skills....
When it comes to building a diversity plan, we often look to include candidates from various racial or ethnic backgrounds....
From its beginning, Clovers set out with one mission: to empower hiring teams to make smarter, data-based decisions. We wanted...
How Processes Can Drive Behavioral Change in DE&I | Hear What a Social Psychologist Has to Say The reason companies...

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